Association Internationale de Droit des Assurances
AIDA MAIL              February 2005

1. Introduction

2. News from the Presidential Council

3. News from the Working Parties

4. News from the National Chapters

5. Legal Developments

6. AIDA Prize for Scientific Investigation

7. AIDA website

8. How to contribute to future issues of AIDA Mail



1. Introduction


Welcome to the February 2005 issue of AIDA Mail.


This issue of AIDA Mail includes news from the Presidential Council, with details of the last meeting held in Madrid in November 2004. Reports on the activities of the Reinsurance Working Party and the Motor Insurance Working Party are included in this issue.


The Argentine and Australian National Chapters have provided accounts of their respective colloquiums from 2004. There are details of the forthcoming May 2005 German colloquium, with a colloquium programme attached. The Presidential Council and Reinsurance Working Party have arranged meetings to coincide with the three day German event.


The Legal Developments section includes an article from Sergio Barroso de Mello on recent IRB conduct changes in Brazil, and a report from Prof. Robert Merkin on recent developments in the United Kingdom. Our thanks go to these contributors for providing us with these informative updates.


Finally, all AIDA members are encouraged to supply updates, articles, information and photographs for inclusion in future issues of AIDA Mail. For details of how to do so, please see the final section entitled, ‘How to contribute to future issues of AIDA Mail’.