Association Internationale de Droit des Assurances
AIDA MAIL              September 2004


1. Introduction

2. News from the Presidential Council

3. Tribute to Spencer Kimball

4. Photo gallery: the British Insurance Law Association welcomes members of AIDA, May 2004

5. News from the Working Parties

6. News from the National Chapters

7. Legal Developments

8. AIDA website

9. How to contribute to future issues of AIDA Mail


1. Introduction  

Welcome to the September 2004 issue of AIDA Mail.

Since the last issue, there has been a lot of activity from the various AIDA Chapters – for example, the British Chapter (BILA) celebrated its 40th Anniversary in 2004, with a very successful colloquium in London on 20-21 May. Participants included members of AIDA Chapters from across Europe as well as the United States and Australia.  BILA was delighted that so many AIDA colleagues made the journey to London to support their colloquium and to mark their anniversary. A report is included in this issue. The Australian Insurance Law Association (AILA) also held a conference in September. 

Other Chapters are currently very busy organising major events, which are outlined in this issue. These include the Argentine Insurance Law Conference in October and the Hungarian Colloquium in November. All National Chapters are encouraged to provide us with details of forthcoming events so that AIDA Mail can give advance notice to the widest possible audience of interested parties, and hopefully help to contribute to the success of these events.

The AIDA Working Parties are the lifeblood of AIDA. The section on the activities of the Working Parties includes reports from both the Motor Insurance and Reinsurance Groups. Also included is a report on the progress of the Reinsurance Working Party’s project to publish a series of international comparative studies into reinsurance law.   

In the legal developments section, we have contributions from Argentina (Eduardo Mangialardi; Guillermo Lascano Quintana), the Czech Republic (Magdalena Wawerkova) and Greece (Emmanouil Tountas). The editors are very grateful to these contributors. Many thanks also go to those representatives of National Chapters who have provided updates for this issue. 

This issue of AIDA Mail, together with the archive of recent past issues, is free to all via the AIDA Website. If you would like to contribute to a future issue, or would like to ensure you receive your own copy electronically, please refer to the sections at the end of this newsletter for further information. If you have any questions or comments about AIDA Mail, or would like to suggest any changes or items for inclusion, please contact the editorial team (