Association Internationale de Droit des Assurances
AIDA MAIL              Spring 2006

1. Introduction

2. News from the Presidential Council

3. News from the Working Parties

4. News from the National Chapters

5. Legal Developments

6. AIDA Prize for Scientific Investigation

7. AIDA website

8. How to contribute to future issues of AIDA Mail

1. Introduction

Welcome to the Spring 2006 issue of AIDA Mail.

2006 marks an important year for AIDA as it is the year of the XII World Congress. The World Congress, hosted by the Argentinean chapter, takes place in Buenos Aires from 16-20 October 2006. The two themes are: ‘The influence of scientific and technological innovations on personal insurance’ and ‘Insurance, reinsurance and the impact of terrorism.’

The Mexican Section has hosted the IX CILA Congress, which was postponed due to the devastating effects of hurricane Wilma. This was held in Guadalajara from 15-18 March 2006. The Presidential Council and several Working Parties also met at this time.

This issue of AIDA Mail provides news from the National Chapters including Mexico, Israel, Serbia and Montenegro and the UK. In the Legal Developments section details of the UK’s Law Commission’s scoping paper on insurance contract law are included and we also reproduce an article written by Mikael Rosenmejer and Søren Vagner Nielsen of Plesner Law Firm, Denmark, on a recent EU decision (this article first appeared in Insurance Day).

Once again, we remind you that anyone is welcome to submit relevant contributions to future issues of AIDA Mail. Details of how to do so can be found in the final section of this issue.