

World Congress in New York, October 2002

News from the Presidential Council

General Assembly Meeting, New York

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3. News from the Presidential Council
 First speech of the new President, Carlos Ignacio Jaramillo, at the World Congress

The new President of AIDA, Carlos Ignacio Jaramillo, gave his first speech as President at the AIDA XI World Congress, in New York. Click here for the full text of his speech.

President of AIDA, Professor Carlos Ignacio Jaramillo J giving his inaugural speech at the XI World Congress, New York.
From left to right:
Colin Croly, Secretary General of AIDA, Professor Carlos Ignacio Jaramillo J, Mikael Rosenmejer, immediate past President and Michael Mendelowitz, assistant Secretary General.

Date and Place of next meeting

The date for the next Presidential Council meeting is scheduled for 30 April 2003, the first day of the VIII Congress of CILA - Iberian Latin-American Committee. The congress itself will take place in Rio de Janeiro, at the Sofitel Hotel, from April 30th until May 2nd 2003. For more details on the CILA Congress 2003 please click here.


The AIDA Presidential Council met twice during the World Congress in New York in October 2002.

The meeting of the Presidential Council of AIDA at the XI World Congress in New York.
Pictured from left to right: Colin Croly (United Kingdom); Professor Carlos Ignacio Jaramillo J (Colombia); Michael Mendelowitz (United Kingdom); Professor Agostino Gambino (Italy) and Osvaldo Contreras-Strauch (Chile).

Professor Jaramillo thanked all of the members of the Presidential Council for nominating him as a candidate for the Presidency. He wanted to assure the Presidential Council that he would do his utmost to work with everyone on the five continents which are part of AIDA to collaborate to strengthen its academic and scientific aspects. He wanted also to express personally his acknowledgement on behalf of ACOLDESE (the National Section of Colombia) and other members of CILA (the Committee of Ibero-Latin-American Chapters).

CILA Congress, 30 April - 2 May 2003

Mr Barroso de Mello reported that the next CILA Congress would be held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, from 30 April to 2 May 2003. He extended an invitation to the Presidential Council and all Working Parties to meet in conjunction with the CILA Congress.

German Chapter of AIDA

Professor Hubner announced that the German Section of AIDA is planning to hold a congress in Berlin in May 2005 on the consequences of globalisation for Insurance. The Secretary General thanked Professor Hubner for giving the Presidential Council notice so long in advance of this meeting as this helps Presidential Council Members and Working Parties to plan ahead.

Budapest Colloquium

Dr Bard on behalf of the Hungarian Chapter thanked Mr Rosenmejer for his work. He reminded the Presidential Council that the Budapest Colloquium would be held at the end of November. Further colloquia in the Budapest series were planned for 2004, 2006 and 2008.


Michael Gill reported that AIDA is very healthy in the Australasian region. Both the New Zealand and Australian Chapters held general conferences just prior to the World Congress which were well attended. A reciprocal membership agreement now exists between both chapters whereby any member of one also automatically becomes a member of the other.

Mikael Rosenmejer and Fernando Sanchez Calero

Upon relinquishing the Presidency of AIDA, Mikael Rosenmejer became an Honorary President. Fernando Sanchez Calero, having reached the mandatory retirement age of 70, has become an Honorary Member of the AIDA Presidential Council. The President thanked Professor Sanchez Calero particularly for his assistance in ensuring the translation into Spanish of the general reports to be presented at the World Congress.

Mr Rosenmejer thanked all the members of the Council. The last four years had been a pleasure for him. He had enjoyed working with everyone and making new friends all over the world. He would try to attend as many meetings as possible in the future. The Presidency of AIDA is hard work, but also great fun, in that one meets new people and sees new places. It is very important for AIDA to have a well functioning Secretariat. He thanked Messrs Croly and Mendelowitz and their firm, Barlow Lyde & Gilbert, for the time which they had devoted to AIDA over the last twelve years.

Appointment of General Secretariat

The Presidential Council agreed unanimously that the following persons should be appointed to the General Secretariat for the four-year term from 2002 to 2006:

Secretary General - Colin Croly, UK
Assistant Secretaries General:

  • Scientific - Herman Cousy, Belgium
  • Year Book - Brando Battistig, Italy
  • Administration - Michael Mendelowitz, UK

Treasurer and Secretary to the Presidential Council - Milagros Sanz

The President thanked the continuing and outgoing members of the General Secretariat, in particular Dr Otto Klob of Switzerland, who was retiring from the post of Treasurer and Minutes Secretary.

Plans for XIIth World Congress

This will take place in Buenos Aires in 2006. Members of the Presidential Council will be contacted by the General Secretariat to put forward ideas and themes for further discussion at the next Presidential Council meeting.

Michael Mendelowitz
Assistant Secretary-General (Administration)