1 Introduction

Welcome to the April 2004 edition of AIDA Mail. AIDA Mail is circulated electronically to all AIDA members and other interested parties who register their details on the website. The latest copy of AIDA Mail can also be viewed on the AIDA website at www.aida.org.uk.

In this issue of AIDA Mail we bring you news from the Presidential Council with details of the last Presidential Council meeting held during the Belgian Colloquium in Brussels in December 2003. This meeting ended with President Jaramillo signing, on behalf of AIDA, the Convention on International Cooperation in the Study of Insurance Law, at the University of Louvain. The Reinsurance Working Party also met in Brussels and details of their activities, including an update on the imminent publication of three new Reinsurance Working Party Reports are included.

Left: Professor Carlos Ignacio Jaramillo J (President of AIDA)
Right: Professor Bernard Dubuisson (Director of the Centre de Droit des Obligations at the Universite Catholique de Louvain)
Signing the Convention at the University of Louvain

This issue of AIDA Mail also includes a tribute to the life of Dr Eduardo Steinfeld (former President of the Argentine Chapter).

Information can be found regarding a number of forthcoming AIDA organised events including the Presidential Council and Working Party meetings taking place in London on 19 May 2004. These coincide with the British Chapter's London Colloquium on 20-21 May, further details of which are also included in this issue. We also include notices of the Argentine Insurance Law Conference, a Hungarian Insurance Law Colloquium and plans for the XII AIDA World Congress, which will be held in Buenos Aires in 2006.

Thanks go to Russell Adams of the Australian Chapter and Magdalena Wawerková of the Czech Republic Chapter for supplying updates on legal developments within their Jurisdictions.

Finally, all AIDA members are encouraged to supply information, articles and updates for inclusion in AIDA Mail. For details of how to do so, please see the final section entitled 'How to Contribute to Future Issues of AIDA Mail'.