2 News from the Presidential Council

Recent Presidential Council Meeting

Presidential Council meeting in Brussels,
December 2003

The Presidential Council met in Brussels on 4 December 2003. President Jaramillo thanked those present for their attendance and in particular Jean Rogge, Professors Fontaine and Fagnard and the UPEA for hosting the meeting.

A minute's silence was observed and tributes were paid in memory of Eduardo Steinfeld (the former President of the Argentine chapter) and Juan Achurra Larrain (the Honorary President of AIDA Chile).

President's Work Programme for AIDA 2002-2006

The President reported that gradually, work was beginning on areas of the Presidential work plan. He reported that work had begun on the strengthening of the Working Parties, the creation of a prize for scientific research and the drafting of a questionnaire entitled 'Structural and Functional Diagnosis of AIDA's National Sections'. A written proposal for the tribute in memory of the late Professor Donati, in the form of 'Liber Amicorum', was distributed. Work had also begun on other projects including the electronic library, AIDA Flash, the Convention with the University of Louvain on Cooperation in the Study of Insurance Law, collaborations with the World Bank and the International Association of Insurance Supervisors and the reactivation of a number of national sections, for example, Costa Rica.
Presidential Council meeting in Brussels,
December 2003

The President proposed the introduction of a new post, that of General Coordinator of Working Parties. Dr Mangialardi was nominated to be the first holder of the new post and he accepted the nomination. Dr Mangialardi said that he perceives his new role to involve assessing which groups are active and which are not, to discuss problems with their chairmen and to assist in the coordination of studies carried out by Working Parties when there is an overlap. The Council then discussed the problems which hinder Working Parties and which can contribute to, or result in, the Working Parties being inactive.

Dr Zimolo reported that the Motor Insurance Working Party has decided to create continental sub-groups. Acknowledging the practical problem of distances between countries within some Working Parties, he hopes that the continental sub-groups will enable representatives to travel to regional centres for Working Party meetings.

The President then turned the discussion to the AIDA prize for scientific research, the object of which will be to motivate and activate academics and others in the field of insurance law. The Executive Committee had been working on this project and had produced a booklet outlining the objectives, requirements and rules. The Executive Committee proposed that the candidates for the prize should have at least two years to undertake their research and complete their submission for publication. It is hoped that the prize will be awarded at the next World Congress in Buenos Aires in 2006. It was reported that Aon has agreed to provide €10,000 for the prize, plus a further €5,000 for the international dissemination or publication. The Council discussed the language in which entries could be submitted and how the money provided by Aon could be distributed between possible prize categories.

In relation to the proposed E-Library, it was reported that a meeting was due to take place between Belgian representatives the following day to discuss cooperation on the exchange of information via the internet. The aim is to create an enlarged library resource. The Spanish Chapter was asked to coordinate and lead this project.

The President expressed his gratitude to Professor Fontaine for drafting the agreement constituting the convention with the University of Louvain. Professor Fontaine highlighted that the convention was not meant to be an exclusive agreement with the University of Louvain, merely the first step in the creation of a network.

Committee on Financial Matters

The President proposed the creation of an AIDA Financial Committee which, he suggested, should be made up of the Secretary General, the Treasurer and two councillors including, if possible, one Working Party Chairman with connections in the insurance industry. The purpose of the committee would be to feed suggestions to the Presidential Council on how to improve AIDA's financial status. Messrs Gill and Zimolo were nominated by Dr Mangialardi and these nominations were accepted. Professor de Lange volunteered to be a further member of the committee.

XIIth World Congress, Buenos Aires 2006

Dr Speyer gave an update on plans for the next World Congress. He reported that professional companies had been appointed to coordinate the event.

Working Parties

Dr Zimolo reported that the Motor Insurance Working Party has completed a study on the assimilation of relevant EU directives and that a note on the study will be distributed in due course.

Report from CILA

Dr Mangialardi introduced the latest issue of Revista. It was announced that the next CILA Congress will be held in Cancun, Mexico, in November 2005.

Date & Venue of the Next Presidential Council Meeting

It was announced that the next meeting would be held in London on 19 May 2004, to coincide with the British Insurance Law Association's 40th Anniversary colloquium on 20 and 21 May 2004. The next Presidential Meeting after this would be held in Madrid, in November 2004 and further details would be announced in due course.

The meeting ended with Council members making their way to the University of Louvain where the Convention on International Cooperation in the Study of Insurance Law was signed.

Next Meeting

The next meeting of the Presidential Council will take place on 19 May at 2.30pm at Barlow Lyde & Gilbert, Beaufort House, 15 Botolph Street, London, EC3A 7NJ.