10 AIDA Website


The AIDA website continues to be fully operational and has recently been updated.

The website provides a pool of information on AIDA activities and events and includes the contact details of the National Chapter Presidents, Working Party Chairmen and the Presidential Council.

Whilst the AIDA Secretariat is responsible for the administration of the website, the Secretariat relies on AIDA members to notify them of any changes which should be reflected on the website. If you do have any updates, news items, minutes, reports or notices which you would like placed on the website, please do not hesitate to contact the AIDA Secretariat via email at mmcconway@blg.co.uk. Contributions and/or suggestions are always welcome.

Please note that the current version of AIDA Mail and the archive containing past issues, is on the AIDA website. AIDA Mail can be found under the section headed 'AIDA Mail' on the left of the screen.