3. Summary Of The Proposed Work Program For AIDA (2002 -2006)

  1. Support and Strengthening of Working Parties: Working Parties are perceived to be the core of the Association. The existing Working Parties comparative and systematic examination of the issues with which they deal, highly enrich this organisation. The Work Programme sets out a detailed plan to strengthen the Working Parties, and a mechanism for the Working Parties to obtain support and encouragement from the Presidential Council. Ideas include: requesting that each National Section officially designate a member for each working party; support and encouragement for the Working Parties studies, obtaining sponsorship to enable publication; improving publicity given to Working Party meetings and encouraging attendance by host Chapter members; the designation of a central co-ordinator to support the Working Party Chairmen.

  2. Creation of an AIDA Scientific Research Prize: To strengthen AIDA's academic mission, to stimulate legal research and internationally promote Insurance Law.

  3. Publishing a book paying tribute to Prof. Antigono Donati: "Insurance Law in the New Millennium", A "Liber Amicorum" to promote Prof. Donati's ideals and stimulate the study of Comparative Insurance Law to create a valuable and panoramic contemporary Insurance Law publication.

  4. Creation of AIDA electronic "World Insurance Library": The possibility of creating an international documentation centre, using the AIDA website. This is an ambitious project requiring international co-operation.

  5. Renewal of the AIDA magazine: In an electronic and conventional format as a tool for the promotion of scientific knowledge and diffusion of insurance law information on an international level.

  6. Publication of international insurance legislation on the AIDA website: To bring together and circulate insurance legislation from as many sources as possible.

  7. Publication of international insurance jurisprudence: With the National Sections' support, to highlight the decisions in the most relevant cases coming from Courts and Arbitration Tribunals.

  8. Increase AIDA Mail's content: In both bibliographic and jurisprudence sections. Consider AIDA-Flash sent by the Internet, to stimulate information exchange.

  9. Increase the services offered by AIDA's website: To directly benefit the National Sections and the international community interested in the study of Insurance Law.

  10. Promote and publish specialized monographic works: To promote scientific research on issues relating to AIDA and to ensure its distribution on an international level, including through support of Universities, publication on AIDA's website or in AIDA magazines.

  11. Academic cooperation agreements to establish an international support network: To undertake institutional academic co-operation agreements in order to strengthen AIDA's bonds with Universities, especially those with Insurance Law related programmes.

  12. Develop closer links with the judiciary and government agencies in charge of control and surveillance of the insurance market: For example, by encouraging the participation of members of the Judiciary in seminars, colloquiums, etc and by increasing AIDA's role as a consultative body.

  13. Create other regional AIDA committees: It is suggested that AIDA should study this idea further. The success of CILA is noted in this regard.

  14. Financially Strengthen AIDA through Designation of a Financial Committee: Whilst noting that AIDA's goals are scientific, it is acknowledged that funding is required to enable AIDA to develop its activities.

  15. Programmatic and Institutional Assistance to the National Sections: To offer support aimed at motivating academic activity, particularly amongst those sections which are currently inactive.

  16. Celebration of the Association's 45th anniversary in April 2005: With the aim to have concluded some of the projects set out in the Work Program by that date.

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