Association Internationale de Droit des Assurances
AIDA MAIL              Summer 2006

1. Introduction

2. News from the Presidential Council

3. News from the Working Parties

4. News from the National Chapters

5. Legal Developments

6. AIDA Prize for Scientific Investigation

7. AIDA website

8. How to contribute to future issues of AIDA Mail

1. Introduction

Welcome to the Summer 2006 issue of AIDA Mail.

A report from the newly formed Civil Liability Insurance Working Party features in the News from the Working Parties section. 

This issue of AIDA Mail also provides news from the National Chapters including, Australia, Brazil, Colombia and Spain. Included is a report from Australia on its preparations for the AILA annual conference 2006 in Sydney and a report on some of SEAIDA's activities in 2006. The Legal Developments section provides information on a new Spanish Law extending cover for life insurance.

Once again we remind you that the XII World Congress is due to take place from 16-20 October 2006, in Buenos Aires. Registration details can be viewed on the AIDA website in the 2006 World Congress section, and on the dedicated Congress website,