Association Internationale de Droit des Assurances
AIDA MAIL              Summer 2006

1. Introduction

2. News from the Presidential Council

3. News from the Working Parties

4. News from the National Chapters

5. Legal Developments

6. AIDA Prize for Scientific Investigation

7. AIDA website

8. How to contribute to future issues of AIDA Mail

6. AIDA Prize for Scientific Investigation

The deadline for submissions is now closed. AIDA has teamed together with AON RE GLOBAL to provide the AIDA Prize for Scientific Investigation, an award aimed at stimulating research into, and detailed study of, insurance law and related matters. 

The prize fund consists of €10,000 and a commemorative medal, to be split between first and second prize as follows: €8,000 for first prize; €2,000 for second prize. In the event of a second prize not being awarded, €10,000 shall go to the winner of first prize.

The awards will be announced at the XII World Congress in Buenos Aires, in October 2006.